if you need to change the assignement of a SCOM gateway to another SCOM gateway, you can do this by this script:
This script sets a new Management Point for a SCOM Agent
.PARAMETER ManagementPoint
defines the Management Point or Gateway to use
.PARAMETER ManagementGroup
defines the Management Group to use
Set-ScomManagementPoint.ps1 -ManagementPoint 'gateway.domain.net' -ManagementGroup 'MG001'
Param (
[string]$ManagementGroup = 'MG001'
try {
$SCOMAgent = New-Object -ComObject AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg
catch {
Write-Output "no SCOM Agent found"
if ( -not ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $SCOMAgent ) ) ) {
Stop-Service -Name HealthService
$StateDirectory = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HealthService\Parameters -Name 'State Directory'
$CurrentMGs = $SCOMAgent.GetManagementGroups()
foreach ( $CurrentMG in $CurrentMGs ) {
try {
$SCOMAgent.RemoveManagementGroup( $CurrentMG.managementGroupName )
catch {
throw "couldn't remove current Management Group '$( $CurrentMG.managementGroupName )'"
$ChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $StateDirectory
foreach ( $ChildItem in $ChildItems ){
try {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false -Path $ChildItem.FullName
catch {
throw "couldn't remove '$( $ChildItem.FullName )'"
$SCOMAgent.AddManagementGroup($ManagementGroup, $ManagementPoint, 5723)
$MGs = $SCOMAgent.GetManagementGroups()
foreach ( $MG in $MGs ) {
Write-Output "$( $MG.managementGroupName ):$( $MG.ManagementServer )"
please note, that this script will remove the old assignement and clean up the state directory. if you don’t cleanup the state directory, the agent will after a service restart be assigned again to the old gateway.