i like System Center Dataprotection Manager, especially for the backup possibilites of remote Windows servers and the Online backup to Azure. But in my past, i lost the overview about succeded and failed backup jobs. The included reporting doesn’t helped me enough, and the alert notification was like spam. I needed a daily report with one view of all Jobs, Disks, Agents and other states. To reach this goal, i wrote my own PowerShell script, which i want to share here.
the report, sent by mail will look like this:
the code for this is here:
<# .Synopsis creates a report about SCDPM Backup .DESCRIPTION this script creates and send a report about the state from System Center DataProtection Manager 2012 R2 - recovery points - jobs in progress - failed jobs for yesterday and today - agent status - disk status .EXAMPLE DPM-Report.ps1 .NOTES Author: Josh Burkard - mRLedV9cTF2k0GlpfxQa@burkard.it Date: 22.10.2015 Version: 1.0.0 Requires: PowerShell V2 Module yxz in directory C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules (for x64) Module xyz in directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules (for x86) #> #region ScriptStart $elapsed = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() if ($Host.Version.Major -ne 2) { clear write-host "Started at $(get-date)" } # Set Error Action to Silently Continue # $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue" #endregion ScriptStart #region Declarations $sendEmail = $true $saveHTML = $false $emailTo = 'xxx@domain.com' $emailFrom = 'SC DPM <scdpm@domain.com>' $emailSubjectPrefix = '[Information]:' $emailSubject = 'SCDPM Backup Report' $emailHost = 'mail.domain.com' $file = "$($env:TEMP)\dpm-backup-report.html" $DPMServerName = 'scdpmserver.domain.com' $tableWidth = '1000' $colorGreen = 'rgb(0, 176, 80)' $colorYellow = 'rgb(255, 217, 108)' $colorOrange = 'rgb(255, 128, 0)' $colorRed = 'rgb(251, 152, 149)' $colorGray = 'rgb(228, 228, 228)' $showJobsInProgress = $true $showJobsFailed = $false $showAgentStatus = $true $showAgentsDeleted = $false $showDisks = $true $RecoveryPointAgeOK = 1 # days $RecoveryPointAgeWarning = 7 # days #endregion Declarations #region Functions Function ConvertTo-AdvHTML .SYNOPSIS Advanced replacement of ConvertTo-HTML cmdlet .DESCRIPTION Source: http://thesurlyadmin.com/tag/convertto-advhtml/ This function allows for vastly greater control over cells and rows in a HTML table. It takes ConvertTo-HTML to a whole new level! You can now specify what color a cell or row is (either dirctly or through the use of CSS). You can add links, pictures and pictures AS links. You can also specify a cell to be a bar graph where you control the colors of the graph and text that can be included in the graph. All color functions are through the use of imbedded text tags inside the properties of the object you pass to this function. It is important to note that this function does not do any processing for you, you must make sure all control tags are already present in the object before passing it to the function. Here are the different tags available: Syntax Comment =================================================================================== [cell:<color>]<optional text> Designate the color of the cell. Must be at the beginning of the string. Example: [cell:red]System Down [row:<color>] Designate the color of the row. This control can be anywhere, in any property of the object. Example: [row:orchid] [cellclass:<class>]<optional text> Designate the color, and other properties, of the cell based on a class in your CSS. You must have the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter). Must be at the beginning of the string. Example: [cellclass:highlight]10mb [rowclass:<class>] Designate the color, and other properties, of the row based on a class in your CSS. You must have the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter). This control can be anywhere, in any property of the object. Example: [rowclass:greyishbold] [image:<height;width;url>]<alternate text> Include an image in your cell. Put size of picture in pixels and url seperated by semi-colons. Format must be height;width;url. You can also include other text in the cell, but the [image] tag must be at the end of the tag (so the alternate text is last). Example: [image:100;200;http://www.sampleurl.com/sampleimage.jpg]Alt Text For Image [link:<url>]<link text> Include a link in your cell. Other text is allowed in the string, but the [link] tag must be at the end of the string. Example: blah blah blah [link:www.thesurlyadmin.com]Cool PowerShell Link [linkpic:<height;width;url to pic>]<url for link> This tag uses a picture which you can click on and go to the specified link. You must specify the size of the picture and url where it is located, this information is seperated by semi- colons. Other text is allowed in the string, but the [link] tag must be at the end of the string. Example: [linkpic:100;200;http://www.sampleurl.com/sampleimage.jpg]www.thesurlyadmin.com [bar:<percent;bar color;remainder color>]<optional text> Bar graph makes a simple colored bar graph within the cell. The length of the bar is controlled using <percent>. You can designate the color of the bar, and the color of the remainder section. Due to the mysteries of HTML, you must designate a width for the column with the [bar] tag using the HeadWidth parameter. So if you had a percentage of 95, say 95% used disk you would want to highlight the remainder for your report: Example: [bar:95;dark green;red]5% free What if you were at 30% of a sales goal with only 2 weeks left in the quarter, you would want to highlight that you have a problem. Example: [bar:30;darkred;red]30% of goal .PARAMETER InputObject The object you want converted to an HTML table .PARAMETER HeadWidth You can specify the width of a cell. Cell widths are in pixels and are passed to the parameter in array format. Each element in the array corresponds to the column in your table, any element that is set to 0 will designate the column with be dynamic. If you had four elements in your InputObject and wanted to make the 4th a fixed width--this is required for using the [bar] tag--of 600 pixels: -HeadWidth 0,0,0,600 .PARAMETER CSS Designate custom CSS for your HTML .PARAMETER Title Specifies a title for the HTML file, that is, the text that appears between the <TITLE> tags. .PARAMETER PreContent Specifies text to add before the opening <TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position. .PARAMETER PostContent Specifies text to add after the closing </TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position. .PARAMETER Body Specifies the text to add after the opening <BODY> tag. By default, there is no text in that position. .PARAMETER Fragment Generates only an HTML table. The HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY tags are omitted. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject You can pipe any .NET object to ConvertTo-AdvHtml. .OUTPUTS System.String ConvertTo-AdvHtml returns series of strings that comprise valid HTML. .EXAMPLE $Data = @" Server,Description,Status,Disk [row:orchid]Server1,Hello1,[cellclass:up]Up,"[bar:45;Purple;Orchid]55% Free" Server2,Hello2,[cell:green]Up,"[bar:65;DarkGreen;Green]65% Used" Server3,Goodbye3,[cell:red]Down,"[bar:95;DarkGreen;DarkRed]5% Free" server4,This is quite a cool test,[cell:green]Up,"[image:150;650;http://pughspace.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/test-connection.png]Test Images" server5,SurlyAdmin,[cell:red]Down,"[link:http://thesurlyadmin.com]The Surly Admin" server6,MoreSurlyAdmin,[cell:purple]Updating,"[linkpic:150;650;http://pughspace.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/test-connection.png]http://thesurlyadmin.com" "@ $Data = $Data | ConvertFrom-Csv $HTML = $Data | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 0,0,0,600 -PreContent "<p><h1>This might be the best report EVER</h1></p><br>" -PostContent "<br>Done! $(Get-Date)" -Title "Cool Test!" This is some sample code where I try to put every possibile tag and use into a single set of data. $Data is the PSObject 4 columns. Default CSS is used, so the [cellclass:up] tag will not work but I left it there so you can see how to use it. .NOTES Author: Martin Pugh Twitter: @thesurlyadm1n Spiceworks: Martin9700 Blog: www.thesurlyadmin.com Changelog: 1.0 Initial Release .LINK http://thesurlyadmin.com/convertto-advhtml-help/ .LINK http://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/2448-create-advanced-html-tables-in-powershell-convertto-advhtml #> #requires -Version 2.0 [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Object[]]$InputObject, [string[]]$HeadWidth, [string[]]$HeadwidthPercent, [string]$CSS = "", [string]$CSS_old = @" <style> TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse; width: 1000px;} TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #6495ED;font-size:120%;} TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;} </style> "@, [string]$Title, [string]$PreContent, [string]$PostContent, [string]$Body, [switch]$Fragment ) Begin { If ($Title) { $CSS += "`n<title>$Title</title>`n" } $Params = @{ Head = $CSS } If ($PreContent) { $Params.Add("PreContent",$PreContent) } If ($PostContent) { $Params.Add("PostContent",$PostContent) } If ($Body) { $Params.Add("Body",$Body) } If ($Fragment) { $Params.Add("Fragment",$true) } $Data = @() } Process { ForEach ($Line in $InputObject) { $Data += $Line } } End { $Html = $Data | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $NewHTML = @() ForEach ($Line in $Html) { If ($Line -like "*<table>*") { $Line = $Line.Replace('<table>', '<table width="' + $tableWidth + '">') } If ($Line -like "*<th>*") { If ($Headwidth) { $Index = 0 $Reg = $Line | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "<th>(.*?)<\/th>" ForEach ($th in $Reg.Matches) { If ($Index -le ($HeadWidth.Count - 1)) { If ($HeadWidth[$Index] -and $HeadWidth[$Index] -gt 0) { $Line = $Line.Replace($th.Value,"<th width=""$($HeadWidth[$Index])"" style=""width:$($HeadWidth[$Index])px"">$($th.Groups[1])</th>") } } $Index ++ } } If ($HeadwidthPercent) { $Index = 0 $Reg = $Line | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "<th>(.*?)<\/th>" ForEach ($th in $Reg.Matches) { If ($Index -le ($HeadwidthPercent.Count - 1)) { If ($HeadwidthPercent[$Index] -and $HeadwidthPercent[$Index] -gt 0) { $Line = $Line.Replace($th.Value,"<th style=""width:$($HeadwidthPercent[$Index])%"">$($th.Groups[1])</th>") } } $Index ++ } } } Do { Switch -regex ($Line) { "<td>\[cell:(.*?)\].*?<\/td>" { $Line = $Line.Replace("<td>[cell:$($Matches[1])]","<td style=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">") Break } "\[cellclass:(.*?)\]" { $Line = $Line.Replace("<td>[cellclass:$($Matches[1])]","<td class=""$($Matches[1])"">") Break } "\[row:(.*?)\]" { $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr style=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">") $Line = $Line.Replace("[row:$($Matches[1])]","") Break } "\[rowclass:(.*?)\]" { $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr class=""$($Matches[1])"">") $Line = $Line.Replace("[rowclass:$($Matches[1])]","") Break } "<td>\[bar:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>" { $Bar = $Matches[1].Split(";") $Width = 100 - [int]$Bar[0] If (-not $Matches[2]) { $Text = " " } Else { $Text = $Matches[2] } $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<td><div style=""background-color:$($Bar[1]);float:left;width:$($Bar[0])%"">$Text</div><div style=""background-color:$($Bar[2]);float:left;width:$width%""> </div></td>") Break } "\[image:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>" { $Image = $Matches[1].Split(";") $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<img src=""$($Image[2])"" alt=""$($Matches[2])"" height=""$($Image[0])"" width=""$($Image[1])""></td>") } "\[link:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>" { $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<a href=""$($Matches[1])"">$($Matches[2])</a></td>") } "\[linkpic:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>" { $Images = $Matches[1].Split(";") $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<a href=""$($Matches[2])""><img src=""$($Image[2])"" height=""$($Image[0])"" width=""$($Image[1])""></a></td>") } Default { Break } } } Until ($Line -notmatch "\[.*?\]") $NewHTML += $Line } Return $NewHTML } } #endregion Functions #region Execution Import-Module DataProtectionManager #region bodyTop $bodyTop = @" <body> <table style="width: $($tableWidth)px;" width="$tableWidth"> <tr> <td style="width: 80%;border: none;" class="headerTable">System Center Data Protection Manager - Backup Report</td> <td style="width: 20%;border: none;vertical-align:text-top;font-size:xx-small;text-align:right;padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;" class="headerTable">SC DPM Version: <a href="https://buildnumbers.wordpress.com/scdpm/">$( ( get-wmiobject win32_product | where { $_.Name -match 'Data Protection Manager' } ).Version )</a></td> </tr> </table> "@ #endregion bodyTop #region SubHead #region Table Begin $subHead01 = @" <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="inner" border="0" style="margin: 0px; width: $tableWidth;"> <tr> <td class="subheader" style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none;"> "@ #endregion Table Begin #region Table End $subHead02 = @" </td> </tr> </table> "@ #endregion Table End #endregion SubHead Connect-DPMServer -DPMServerName $DPMServerName #region RecoveryPoints $ProdServers = Get-DPMProductionServer $DPMAlerts = Get-DPMAlert -IncludeAlerts AllActive $Report = '' $listRecoveryPoints = @() $i = 0 $RecoveryPointErrors = 0 $DPMProtectionGroups = Get-DPMProtectionGroup foreach ($DPMProtectionGroup in $DPMProtectionGroups) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "loop throught Protection Groups" -Status "Server $($DPMProtectionGroup.Name) $i / $($DPMProtectionGroups.Count)" -PercentComplete ( $i / $DPMProtectionGroups.Count * 100) -Id 0 $DataSources = $DPMProtectionGroup.GetDatasources() # $DataSources | Out-GridView Write-Verbose "Loop through each available DataSource" $j = 0 foreach ($DataSource in $DataSources) { $j++ Write-Progress -Activity "loop throught Data Sources" -Status "DataSource $($DataSource.Name) $j / $($DataSources.Count)" -PercentComplete ( $j / $DataSources.Count * 100) -Id 1 -ParentId 0 Write-Verbose "Get a list of RecoveryPoints for each DataSource" $RecoveryPoints = Get-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $DataSource $RecoveryPointsOnline = Get-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $DataSource -Online $DPMAlert = '' $DPMAlert = ( $DPMAlerts | where { $_.Server -eq $DataSource.ProductionServerName -and $_.AffectedArea -eq $DataSource.Name } ).ErrorInfo.ShortProblem -join ', ' if ( $DPMAlert -ne '' ) { $DPMAlert = "[cell:$colorRed]$DPMAlert" $RecoveryPointErrors++ } if ( @($RecoveryPoints).Count -ne 0 ) { $LastPoint = Get-Date ( ( $RecoveryPoints | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime ) -Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss" if ( ( $RecoveryPoints | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime -gt ( Get-Date ).AddDays( 0 - $RecoveryPointAgeOK ) ) { $LastPoint = "[cell:$colorGreen]$LastPoint" } elseif ( ( $RecoveryPoints | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime -gt ( Get-Date ).AddDays( 0 - $RecoveryPointAgeWarning ) ) { $LastPoint = "[cell:$colorYellow]$LastPoint" } else { $LastPoint = "[cell:$colorRed]$LastPoint" } } else { $LastPoint = "[cell:$colorRed]never" } if ( $DataSource.IsPresentOnCloud ) { if ( @($RecoveryPointsOnline).Count -ne 0 ) { $LastPointOnline = Get-Date ( ( $RecoveryPointsOnline | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime ) -Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss" if ( ( $RecoveryPointsOnline | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime -gt ( Get-Date ).AddDays( 0 - $RecoveryPointAgeOK ) ) { $LastPointOnline = "[cell:$colorGreen]$LastPointOnline" } elseif ( ( $RecoveryPointsOnline | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime -gt ( Get-Date ).AddDays( 0 - $RecoveryPointAgeWarning ) ) { $LastPointOnline = "[cell:$colorYellow]$LastPointOnline" } else { $LastPointOnline = "[cell:$colorRed]$LastPointOnline" } } else { $LastPointOnline = "[cell:$colorRed]never" } } else { $LastPointOnline = "not configured" } $LineItem = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property @{ "Recovery Points" = @( $RecoveryPoints ).Count "First Point" = ( $RecoveryPoints | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -First 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime "Last Point" = $LastPoint "Size GB" = [int]( ( $RecoveryPoints | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -Last 1 ).Size / 1GB * 100 ) / 100 "Cloud Recovery Points" = @( $RecoveryPointsOnline ).Count "Cloud First Point" = ( $RecoveryPointsOnline | Sort-Object RepresentedPointInTime | Select -First 1 ).RepresentedPointInTime "Cloud Last Point" = $LastPointOnline "Cloud Size GB" = $CloudSize Server = "[cellclass:overflowhidden]$($DataSource.ProductionServerName)" Name = "[cellclass:overflowhidden]$($DataSource.Name -replace "_", "_ ")" "Protection Group" = $DataSource.ProtectionGroup.Name "Object Type" = $DataSource.ObjectType Alerts = $DPMAlert Activity = $DataSource.Activity State = $DataSource.State } $listRecoveryPoints += $LineItem } } $ReportRecoveryPoints = $listRecoveryPoints | Sort-Object Server, Name | Select Server, Name, "Object Type", "Protection Group", "Recovery Points", "First Point", "Last Point", "Size GB", "Cloud Recovery Points", "Cloud First Point", "Cloud Last Point", Alerts | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 72,146,72,72,72,72,72,52,52,72,72,137 -Fragment $ReportRecoveryPoints = $subHead01 + "Recovery Points" + $subHead02 + $ReportRecoveryPoints Write-Progress -Activity "loop throught Data Sources" -Status "completed" -id 1 -Completed Write-Progress -Activity "loop throught Protection Groups" -Status "completed" -id 0 -Completed #endregion RecoveryPoints #region AgentStatus if ( $showAgentStatus -eq $true ) { $AgentStatus = @() $i = 0 foreach ($ProdServer in $ProdServers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Update Agent Status" -Status "Agent $($ProdServer.ServerName) $i / $($ProdServers.Count)" -PercentComplete ( $i / $ProdServers.Count * 100) Update-DPMProductionServer -ProductionServer $ProdServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $ProdServers = Get-DPMProductionServer $i = 0 foreach ($ProdServer in $ProdServers) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Update Agent Status" -Status "Agent $($ProdServer.ServerName) $i / $($ProdServers.Count)" -PercentComplete ( $i / $ProdServers.Count * 100) if ( $ProdServer.ServerProtectionState -ne 'Deleted' -or $showAgentsDeleted -eq $true ) { switch ($ProdServer.Connectivity.Status) { 'OK' { $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorGreen]OK" } 'Error' { $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorRed]Error" } 'Unavailable' { $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorRed]Unavailable" } 'Restart pending' { $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorYellow]Restart pending" } Default { $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorYellow]$($ProdServer.Connectivity)" } } if ($ProdServer.UpgradeAvailable -eq $true) { $UpgradeAvailable = "[cell:$colorYellow]Yes" } else { $UpgradeAvailable = "[cell:$colorGreen]No" } $IsThrottled = $ProdServer.IsThrottled switch ($ProdServer.ServerProtectionState) { 'HasDatasourcesProtected' { $ServerProtectionState = "[cell:$colorGreen]has Datasources protected" } 'Deleted' { $ServerProtectionState = "[cell:$colorGray]deleted" $ServerConnectivity = "[cell:$colorGray]" $UpgradeAvailable = "[cell:$colorGray]" $IsThrottled = "[cell:$colorGray]" } 'NoDatasourcesProtected' { $ServerProtectionState = "[cell:$colorRed]no Datasources protected" } } $AgentStatus += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ "Server Name" = $ProdServer.MachineName "Protection State" = $ServerProtectionState "Connectivity" = $ServerConnectivity "Upgrade Available" = $UpgradeAvailable IsThrottled = $IsThrottled } } } $ReportAgentStatus = $AgentStatus | select "Server Name", "Protection State", Connectivity, "Upgrade Available", IsThrottled | Sort-Object "Server Name" | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 197,197,197,197,196 -Fragment $ReportAgentStatus = $subHead01 + "Agents" + $subHead02 + $ReportAgentStatus } else { $ReportAgentStatus = '' } Write-Progress -Activity "Update Agent Status" -Status "completed" -id 0 -Completed #endregion AgentStatus #region DiskStatus if ( $showDisks -eq $true ) { $DPMDisks = Get-DPMDisk | where { $_.IsInStoragePool -eq $true } $ReportDisks = @() foreach ($DPMDisk in $DPMDisks) { $percent = @( ( ( $DPMDisk.TotalCapacity - $DPMDisk.UnallocatedSpace ) / $DPMDisk.TotalCapacity * 100 ) -split "\." )[0] if ( $percent -le 70 ) { $barcolor = $colorGreen } elseif ( $percent -le 90 ) { $barcolor = $colorYellow } else { $barcolor = $colorRed } $percentUsed = "[bar:$( $percent + 1 );$barcolor;#FFFFFF]$( $percent.ToString() ) % used" $ReportDisks += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name = "Disk $($DPMDisk.NtDiskId) ($($DPMDisk.Name))" Capacity = $DPMDisk.TotalCapacityLabel 'Free Space' = $DPMDisk.UnallocatedSpaceLabel 'Disk Status' = $DPMDisk.DiskStatus 'Percent Used' = $percentUsed } } $ReportDisks += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name = "Total" Capacity = ( ( ( $DPMDisks | Measure-Object TotalCapacity -Sum ).Sum / 1GB ) -split "\." )[0] + " GB" 'Free Space' = ( ( ( $DPMDisks | Measure-Object UnallocatedSpace -Sum ).Sum / 1GB ) -split "\." )[0] + " GB" 'Disk Status' = '' 'Percent Used' = '' } # $ReportDisks = $ReportDisks | Select Name, Capacity, 'Free Space', 'Percent Used', 'Disk Status' | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 197,197,197,197,196 -Fragment $ReportDisks = $ReportDisks | Select Name, Capacity, 'Free Space', 'Disk Status' | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 397,197,197,196 -Fragment $ReportDisks = $subHead01 + "Disks" + $subHead02 + $ReportDisks } else { $ReportDisks = '' } #endregion DiskStatus #region Jobs in Progress if ( $showJobsInProgress -eq $true ) { $DPMJobsInProgress = Get-DPMJob -Status InProgress -DPMServerName $DPMServerName # $DPMJobsInProgress.Count $DPMJobsTasks = @() foreach ( $DPMJobInProgress in $DPMJobsInProgress ) { foreach ( $DPMJobTask in $DPMJobInProgress.TaskList ) { # $DPMJobsTasks += $DPMJobTask if ( $DPMJobTask.StartTime -eq (Get-Date "01.01.0001") ) { $timeElapsed = New-TimeSpan -Start $DPMJobTask.CreatedTime -End ( Get-Date ) $timeElapsed = @( ( "{0:G}" -f $timeElapsed ) -split "\." )[0] $StartTime = '' } else { $timeElapsed = New-TimeSpan -Start $DPMJobTask.StartTime -End ( Get-Date ) $timeElapsed = @( ( "{0:G}" -f $timeElapsed ) -split "\." )[0] $StartTime = $DPMJobTask.StartTime } $DPMJobsTasks += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Created = $DPMJobTask.CreatedTime 'Start Time' = $StartTime 'Time Elapsed' = $timeElapsed Status = $DPMJobTask.Status Type = $DPMJobTask.Type Server = $DPMJobTask.ProductionServerName Transfered = "$( [int]($DPMJobInProgress.DataSize / 1GB * 100) / 100 ) GB" Path = "[cellclass:overflowhidden]$($DPMJobTask.DatasourcePath)" Error = $DPMJobTask.ErrorInfo.ShortProblem } } } $ReportJobsTasks = $DPMJobsTasks | Select Created, 'Start Time', 'Time Elapsed', Status, Transfered, Type, Server, Path | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 117,117,117,187,97,97,147,96 -Fragment $ReportJobsTasks = $subHead01 + "Jobs in Progress" + $subHead02 + $ReportJobsTasks } else { $ReportJobsTasks = '' } #endregion Jobs in Progress #region Jobs Failed if ( $showJobsFailed -eq $true ) { $DPMJobsFailed = Get-DPMJob -Status Failed -From ( Get-Date ( ( Get-Date ).AddDays( -1 ) ) -Format "dd.MM.yyyy" ) $DPMJobsFailedTasks = @() foreach ( $DPMJobFailed in $DPMJobsFailed ) { # $DPMJobFailed = $DPMJobsFailed[0] foreach ( $DPMJobTask in $DPMJobFailed.TaskList ) { # $DPMJobsFailedTasks += $DPMJobTask $DPMJobsFailedTasks += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Created = $DPMJobTask.CreatedTime 'Start Time' = $DPMJobTask.StartTime 'End Time' = $DPMJobTask.EndTime Status = $DPMJobTask.Status Type = $DPMJobTask.Type Server = $DPMJobTask.ProductionServerName Path = "[cellclass:overflowhidden]$($DPMJobTask.DatasourcePath)" Error = $DPMJobTask.ErrorInfo.ShortProblem } } } $ReportJobsTasksFailed = $DPMJobsFailedTasks | Select Created, 'Start Time', 'End Time', Status, Type, Server, Path, Error | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 117,117,117,77,97,147,97,206 -Fragment $ReportJobsTasksFailed = $subHead01 + "Failed Jobs for yesterday and today" + $subHead02 + $ReportJobsTasksFailed } else { $ReportJobsTasksFailed = '' } #endregion Jobs Failed #region Azure Import-Module MSOnlineBackup $OBMachineUsage = [int]( ( Get-OBMachineUsage ).StorageUsedByMachineInBytes / 1GB * 100) / 100 $ReportAzure = @" <table style="width: $tableWidth;"> <tr> <td> Total Space used in Azure: </td> <td> $OBMachineUsage GB </td> </tr> </table> "@ $ReportAzure = $subHead01 + "Azure Backup" + $subHead02 + $ReportAzure #endregion Azure #region Overall-State if ( ( $RecoveryPointErrors -ne 0 ) -or ` ( @( $ProdServers | where { $_.Connectivity -eq 'Error' } ).Count -ne 0 ) -or ` ( @( $ProdServers | where { $_.Connectivity -eq 'Unavailable' } ).Count -ne 0 ) ) { $StateColor = $colorRed $OverAllState = 'Failed' } elseif ( (@( $AgentStatus | where { $_."Upgrade Available" -match 'Yes' } ).Count -ne 0 ) -or ` (@( $ProdServers | where { $_.Connectivity.Status -eq 'RebootRequired' } ).Count -ne 0 ) -or ` (@( $ProdServers | where { $_.Connectivity.Status -eq 'Unknown' } ).Count -ne 0 ) ) { $StateColor = $colorYellow $OverAllState = 'Warning' } else { $StateColor = $colorGreen $OverAllState = 'Success' } #endregion Overall-State #region Header $headerObj = @" <html> <head> <title>$emailSubject</title> <style> body {font-family: Tahoma; background-color:#fff;width: 1000px;} h1.top {background-color: #fb9895;color: White;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;vertical-align: center;padding: 5px;} table {font-family: Tahoma;font-size: 12px;background-color: #e3e3e3;width:$($tableWidth)px;border-collapse:collapse; table-layout: fixed;} .headerTable{background-color: $StateColor ;color: White;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;height: 70px;vertical-align: bottom;padding: 0 0 15px 15px;border-bottom: none;} .subheader{height: 35px;background-color: #f3f4f4;font-size: 16px;vertical-align: middle;padding: 5px 0 0 15px;color: #626365;} table.inner tr{height: 17px;} table.inner td{padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;vertical-align: top;border: 1px solid #a7a9ac; } table.inner .subheader{height: 35px;background-color: #f3f4f4;font-size: 16px;vertical-align: middle;padding: 5px 0 0 15px;color: #626365;} td.overflowhidden { overflow: hidden; } th {border: 1px solid #a7a9ac;border-bottom: none;} tr {height: 17px;} td {background-color: #fff;border: 1px solid #a7a9ac;padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;vertical-align: top;} </style> </head> "@ #endregion Header #region Footer $bodyScript = @" <table style="width: $tableWidth;"> <tr><td>This report was generated by Script <b>$( $MyInvocation.InvocationName )</b> on Server <b>$env:computername</b></td></tr> </table> "@ #endregion Footer #region composite Output $htmlOutput = $headerObj + ` $bodyTop + ` $ReportRecoveryPoints + ` $ReportJobsTasks + ` $ReportJobsTasksFailed + ` $ReportAgentStatus + ` $ReportDisks + ` $ReportAzure + ` $footerObj + ` $bodyScript #endregion composite Output #region Output if ($sendEmail -eq $true) { $emailSubject = "$emailSubjectPrefix [$OverAllState] $emailSubject" Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -From $emailFrom -Subject $emailSubject -Body $htmlOutput -BodyAsHTML -SmtpServer $emailHost } if ( $saveHTML -eq $true ) { $htmlOutput | Out-File $file # [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Xml.Linq") # [System.Xml.Linq.XDocument]::Load($file).Save($file) Invoke-Expression $file } #endregion #endregion Execution #region ScriptEnd Write-Host "`r`n Ended at $(get-date)" Write-Host "`r`n Total Elapsed Time: $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())" #endregion ScriptEnd